Wednesday, January 27, 2010

4. Rajayoga Meditation

Rajayoga Meditation Part I

How is Raja Yoga meditaion different from other meditation based on Mantra , Pranayama or prayer or controlling the thoughts or thoughtless state?
How do I believe this a right way?

Please leave your comments and feel free to ask any questions you have regarding this session.

Rajayoga Meditation Part II - Soul Consciouness

What happens being conscious of soul? How practical is it ?
How is this going to bring transformation in the self ?
What is spiritual intelligence ?

Please leave your comments and feel free to ask any questions you have regarding this session.

Rajayoga Meditation Part III - Supreme relationship

How to build relationship with Supreme ?
Some how even after understanding not able to experience ?
What am I doing wrong? Lets see what tips Sr Shivani offers ?
It sounds so different or New ... Relationship with God. God is God ....
How does this relationship fulfilled. ...

Please leave your comments and feel free to ask any questions you have regarding this session.

Rajayoga Meditation Part IV - Powers

What powers we attain by practicing this meditation ?
How to use these powers to bring transformation ?

Please leave your comments and feel free to ask any questions you have regarding this session.

Rajayoga Meditation Part V - Spiritual Laws

When I was so peaceful up there in soul World Why do I have to come down here ?
Is it that true for some is false for others ? or is it just truth is truth for all ...
What are the laws that working amongsts souls and souls and mater ?
What is that law that removes most of our confusions and conflicts ?

Please leave your comments and feel free to ask any questions you have regarding this session.


  1. bk shivani you are really an abode of God who is always doing god`s work, you are giving the spriptual amrit to us thanks for this noble work.

  2. dear shivani maam,
    I happen to hear a lot of youyr lectures and try to implement them also. but iam really worried for my daughter who has to be pushed for studies. she doesnt have interest in studies. i have tried to motivate her. i have asked her interests on subjects, snubbed her, but all in vain. please help. i am residing in vasant kunj. what should i do.


  3. mam actually i belive in sai baba i was in a big truble after a few hour i have to pass throug a very big incident but at the same time lord god come from shirdi and shave me mam i have realised god directely now i totaly belive in lord sai that big power now i cant forget lord for a single moment.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

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