Meditation Part 1 - Misconception of Meditation
Is it too late to transform the self? Can transformation happen any time?
Everyone goes into some level of depression, addictions and personal attitudes of joyously anxiety...etc.
Does Meditation help to cope with these conditions?
Do I have to leave my family, friends, job and my normal life to do this meditation?
True Freedom:
watch your thoughts ; they become words.
watch your words; they become actions.
watch your actions; they become habits.
watch your habitsl they become character.
watch your character; it becomes your destiny.
Here is something to start with ...
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Meditation Part II - Knowing myself
Self identity - is it ego ? What is that got to do with my ceaselessness ?
How is ego got to do with attachment and attachment got to do with fear and fear got to do with anger ?
How does meditation helps in fixing ego ?
Soul Consciousness - Point Of Stillness:
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Thursday, January 28, 2010
2. Knowing Myself
Knowing Myself Part I - the Soul
I understand that I am not the role or relationships or not even the body.
Then what thing am I ? How it interacts with this body and physical matter ?
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What is True Freedom ?
Knowing Myself Part II - Experiencing the Self
It logically makes sense that I am a soul, life energy
Why is it hard to feel the presence of the self ?
Watch this video clipping what experiment Sr Shivani got to share ...
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Knowing Myself Part III - Soul Consciousness
Is soul a spirit a ghost ? Am I a ghost ? Is it in my body all the while ?
How do you explain "Out of body experience" that is referred in many journals and studies ?
How do you explain different theories of human existence .. Darwin theory of evolution.. Etc ?
What is Soul consciousness ? How does it work ?
Please leave your comments , churning and unanswered questions from this topic.
I understand that I am not the role or relationships or not even the body.
Then what thing am I ? How it interacts with this body and physical matter ?
Please leave your comments , churning and unanswered questions from this topic.
What is True Freedom ?
Knowing Myself Part II - Experiencing the Self
It logically makes sense that I am a soul, life energy
Why is it hard to feel the presence of the self ?
Watch this video clipping what experiment Sr Shivani got to share ...
Please leave your comments , churning and unanswered questions from this topic.
Knowing Myself Part III - Soul Consciousness
Is soul a spirit a ghost ? Am I a ghost ? Is it in my body all the while ?
How do you explain "Out of body experience" that is referred in many journals and studies ?
How do you explain different theories of human existence .. Darwin theory of evolution.. Etc ?
What is Soul consciousness ? How does it work ?
Please leave your comments , churning and unanswered questions from this topic.
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
3. Knowing God
Knowing God Part I
What is God's place in my life ?
How is he related to me ?
Even after such a deep love towards God after doing so much sacrifices for God why were we not able to experience His power and Love ?
What is going on ....
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Why Do we search for GOD ?
How can GOD allow haulocast and inhumanity to happen ?
How can we know GOD ?
What has scinece got to say regarding GOD ?
Who is GOD ?
Knowing God Part II - Misconceptions about God.
Why are there so many believes about God. if everyone is introduction of same God ?
What is the correct introduction of God ?
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Knowing God Part III - Name, Form and Task of God
How does God look ? Is He male or female ?
Whatz His Name, Form and Task of God ?
Is Jesus or Mohammed prophet or Moses or Bhuddah or Guru Nanak or Ram Sita Krishna God? Or is it Ghandhi or someother God ? Who is real God ?
How am I related to God ?
Please leave your comments, churning and unanswered questions from this topic.
Knowing God Part IV - God's Home
Where is God ?
Where does He live ?
What is He doing there when there are somany sorrow on earth ?
When does He come to fix this injustice on earth ?
Please leave your comments , churning and unanswered questions from this topic.
What is God's place in my life ?
How is he related to me ?
Even after such a deep love towards God after doing so much sacrifices for God why were we not able to experience His power and Love ?
What is going on ....
Please leave your comments , churning and unanswered questions from this topic.
Why Do we search for GOD ?
How can GOD allow haulocast and inhumanity to happen ?
How can we know GOD ?
What has scinece got to say regarding GOD ?
Who is GOD ?
Knowing God Part II - Misconceptions about God.
Why are there so many believes about God. if everyone is introduction of same God ?
What is the correct introduction of God ?
Please leave your comments , churning and unanswered questions from this topic.
Knowing God Part III - Name, Form and Task of God
How does God look ? Is He male or female ?
Whatz His Name, Form and Task of God ?
Is Jesus or Mohammed prophet or Moses or Bhuddah or Guru Nanak or Ram Sita Krishna God? Or is it Ghandhi or someother God ? Who is real God ?
How am I related to God ?
Please leave your comments, churning and unanswered questions from this topic.
Knowing God Part IV - God's Home
Where is God ?
Where does He live ?
What is He doing there when there are somany sorrow on earth ?
When does He come to fix this injustice on earth ?
Please leave your comments , churning and unanswered questions from this topic.
4. Rajayoga Meditation
Rajayoga Meditation Part I
How is Raja Yoga meditaion different from other meditation based on Mantra , Pranayama or prayer or controlling the thoughts or thoughtless state?
How do I believe this a right way?
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Rajayoga Meditation Part II - Soul Consciouness
What happens being conscious of soul? How practical is it ?
How is this going to bring transformation in the self ?
What is spiritual intelligence ?
Please leave your comments and feel free to ask any questions you have regarding this session.
Rajayoga Meditation Part III - Supreme relationship
How to build relationship with Supreme ?
Some how even after understanding not able to experience ?
What am I doing wrong? Lets see what tips Sr Shivani offers ?
It sounds so different or New ... Relationship with God. God is God ....
How does this relationship fulfilled. ...
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Rajayoga Meditation Part IV - Powers
What powers we attain by practicing this meditation ?
How to use these powers to bring transformation ?
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Rajayoga Meditation Part V - Spiritual Laws
When I was so peaceful up there in soul World Why do I have to come down here ?
Is it that true for some is false for others ? or is it just truth is truth for all ...
What are the laws that working amongsts souls and souls and mater ?
What is that law that removes most of our confusions and conflicts ?
Please leave your comments and feel free to ask any questions you have regarding this session.
How is Raja Yoga meditaion different from other meditation based on Mantra , Pranayama or prayer or controlling the thoughts or thoughtless state?
How do I believe this a right way?
Please leave your comments and feel free to ask any questions you have regarding this session.
Rajayoga Meditation Part II - Soul Consciouness
What happens being conscious of soul? How practical is it ?
How is this going to bring transformation in the self ?
What is spiritual intelligence ?
Please leave your comments and feel free to ask any questions you have regarding this session.
Rajayoga Meditation Part III - Supreme relationship
How to build relationship with Supreme ?
Some how even after understanding not able to experience ?
What am I doing wrong? Lets see what tips Sr Shivani offers ?
It sounds so different or New ... Relationship with God. God is God ....
How does this relationship fulfilled. ...
Please leave your comments and feel free to ask any questions you have regarding this session.
Rajayoga Meditation Part IV - Powers
What powers we attain by practicing this meditation ?
How to use these powers to bring transformation ?
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Rajayoga Meditation Part V - Spiritual Laws
When I was so peaceful up there in soul World Why do I have to come down here ?
Is it that true for some is false for others ? or is it just truth is truth for all ...
What are the laws that working amongsts souls and souls and mater ?
What is that law that removes most of our confusions and conflicts ?
Please leave your comments and feel free to ask any questions you have regarding this session.
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
5. Law of karma
Law of karma - Part I
We been hear this Law of Karma ....
As you sow , so shall you reap ... jhasi karni vasi bharni ...
Even after knowing this Law of Karma, why are we not able to use this Law to better our lifes ?
Please leave your comments and feel free to ask any questions you have regarding this session.
Personal Experiences of "Near Death Experiences":
Law of karma - Part II
Accepted that I messed up in my previous lives and there is burden of Karmic accounts which is coming back to me in this life ...
Do I have to just put up with whats happening to me in the name of Karma ?
or is there something I can do about it ?
Please leave your comments and feel free to ask any questions you have regarding this session.
Law of karma - Part III
I am responsible for Whatever is happening in my life ..
What is that I can do now to free myself or transform my life ?
Hear from Sr Shivani what she got to say on this....
Please leave your comments and feel free to ask any questions you have regarding this session.
Law of karma Meditation Commentary - Part IV
Short commentary on how to meditate ..
Free the self from the burden .. Shackles of past and Liberate yourself ...
Fly offff..
Please leave your comments and feel free to ask any questions you have regarding this session.
We been hear this Law of Karma ....
As you sow , so shall you reap ... jhasi karni vasi bharni ...
Even after knowing this Law of Karma, why are we not able to use this Law to better our lifes ?
Please leave your comments and feel free to ask any questions you have regarding this session.
Personal Experiences of "Near Death Experiences":
Law of karma - Part II
Accepted that I messed up in my previous lives and there is burden of Karmic accounts which is coming back to me in this life ...
Do I have to just put up with whats happening to me in the name of Karma ?
or is there something I can do about it ?
Please leave your comments and feel free to ask any questions you have regarding this session.
Law of karma - Part III
I am responsible for Whatever is happening in my life ..
What is that I can do now to free myself or transform my life ?
Hear from Sr Shivani what she got to say on this....
Please leave your comments and feel free to ask any questions you have regarding this session.
Law of karma Meditation Commentary - Part IV
Short commentary on how to meditate ..
Free the self from the burden .. Shackles of past and Liberate yourself ...
Fly offff..
Please leave your comments and feel free to ask any questions you have regarding this session.
Monday, January 25, 2010
6. Cycle of Time
World Drama - part 1
Facts about present state of world...
Where are we heading towards?
Are we prepared for whatz coming our way ?
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World Drama -part 2
What is ahead of us now ?
Will there be annhilation or End of world ?
What Kind of transformation is going to happen now ?
Please leave your comments and feel free to ask any questions you have regarding this session.
World Drama -part 3
Where is Heaven ? Was there Heaven on Earth ?
Who used to live in that world ? What made that world Heaven ?
Please leave your comments and feel free to ask any questions you have regarding this session.
World Drama -part 4
Mayan calendar says end of the world in 2012...
Scinece talking about Global Warming ... polar shift ... Natural calamities ...
What are the view of Sr Shivani regarding these predictions ?
Please leave your comments and feel free to ask any questions you have regarding this session.
Facts about present state of world...
Where are we heading towards?
Are we prepared for whatz coming our way ?
Please leave your comments and feel free to ask any questions you have regarding this session.
World Drama -part 2
What is ahead of us now ?
Will there be annhilation or End of world ?
What Kind of transformation is going to happen now ?
Please leave your comments and feel free to ask any questions you have regarding this session.
World Drama -part 3
Where is Heaven ? Was there Heaven on Earth ?
Who used to live in that world ? What made that world Heaven ?
Please leave your comments and feel free to ask any questions you have regarding this session.
World Drama -part 4
Mayan calendar says end of the world in 2012...
Scinece talking about Global Warming ... polar shift ... Natural calamities ...
What are the view of Sr Shivani regarding these predictions ?
Please leave your comments and feel free to ask any questions you have regarding this session.
7. Introduction to Brahma kumaris
Introduction to Brahma kumaris part I
History of the organization ...
How Supreme Soul founded this organization ?
Knowing Brahma Kumaris:
Introduction to Brahma kumaris part II
Why does God had to come here to transform ?
Can't He inspire from sitting up there in Supreme abode ..
Please leave your comments and feel free to ask any questions you have regarding this session.
History of the organization ...
How Supreme Soul founded this organization ?
Knowing Brahma Kumaris:
Introduction to Brahma kumaris part II
Why does God had to come here to transform ?
Can't He inspire from sitting up there in Supreme abode ..
Please leave your comments and feel free to ask any questions you have regarding this session.
8. Healthy Life Style
Healthy Life Style part I
Mysteries about Braham Kumaris believes ..
Why wear white dress is it mandatory for this practice?
What about our religious practices do we have to stop going to temples/mosques/churches?
Does BK changes wife and husband into Brother ans Sister ?
why celebacy ? and more ...
Please leave your comments and feel free to ask any questions you have regarding this session.
Healthy Life Style part II
What is the deal with Vegitarian food ? Why does its impact my wellbeing?
Please leave your comments and feel free to ask any questions you have regarding this session.
Mysteries about Braham Kumaris believes ..
Why wear white dress is it mandatory for this practice?
What about our religious practices do we have to stop going to temples/mosques/churches?
Does BK changes wife and husband into Brother ans Sister ?
why celebacy ? and more ...
Please leave your comments and feel free to ask any questions you have regarding this session.
Healthy Life Style part II
What is the deal with Vegitarian food ? Why does its impact my wellbeing?
Please leave your comments and feel free to ask any questions you have regarding this session.
Raja yoga Meditation - Q&A
Meditation Q&A Part I
I understand I am a peaceful soul.
So how is this going to help me in my transformation and day to day life ?
Watch this video to know more on this topic.
Please leave your comments and feel free to ask any questions you have regarding this session.
Meditation Q&A Part II
As a parent and as a teacher I see so much stress in the children.
How can I help them empower the kids ?
How to deal children ....
Check this video to know what Sr Shivani got to say on this ...
Please leave your comments and feel free to ask any questions you have regarding this session.
Meditation Q&A Part III
How to build relationship Supreme Soul ?
Meditation Q&A Part IV
In Meditation we talk to Supreme then
how do I listen to Supreme How does this communication works ? ...
Please leave your comments and feel free to ask any questions you have regarding this session.
I understand I am a peaceful soul.
So how is this going to help me in my transformation and day to day life ?
Watch this video to know more on this topic.
Please leave your comments and feel free to ask any questions you have regarding this session.
Meditation Q&A Part II
As a parent and as a teacher I see so much stress in the children.
How can I help them empower the kids ?
How to deal children ....
Check this video to know what Sr Shivani got to say on this ...
Please leave your comments and feel free to ask any questions you have regarding this session.
Meditation Q&A Part III
How to build relationship Supreme Soul ?
Meditation Q&A Part IV
In Meditation we talk to Supreme then
how do I listen to Supreme How does this communication works ? ...
Please leave your comments and feel free to ask any questions you have regarding this session.
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